Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Med Terms and A&P

I started my two classes today. It was a crazy morning! Last night the battery on my car died so today I drove the kids to school, had to drive Tim to the transit station, then go to the doctor to get a tetnus shot (required by law for school), and finally head out to Shakopee for my first day of class.

I had Medical Terminology first. The instructor is really nice--very approachable and she wants everyone to succeed. The content is a little daunting though--it's like learning another language. I am sure once I put my mind to it things will fall into place. After that class I have a 45 minute break. I brought my lunch from home and relaxed while I ate it. Then I went to my Anatomy and Physiology (A & P) class. I actually found the content of this class very interesting. The instructor is very passionate about the subject and likes to have fun in class.

So far I have to review my Med Terms stuff from today and I have a quiz in A&P on Thursday--I better get studying!! It's a whole new world:)

p.s. While I was at school, my mom and dad came over to my house and saved the day. They replaced my dead car battery with a brand new one!! Yeah--thanks a million!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Busy Times!

Things are really starting to get busy around here! Emily has started her dance class--she is in the oldest group of girls this year. It seems like yesterday when she was just starting out in the preschool class:) So far she likes it--she gets to wear tap shoes that have the higher heel on them which she is pretty excited about. Emilly also started band in school. She is playing the flute and has lessons with the band teacher one day each week during school hours. They have their first concert in January--I can't wait!! She is also in girl scouts again and they have their first meeting today after school. Emily also was chosen for a program at school called Children Helping Children (CHC) where she helps kids to deal with many different kinds of problems. It is a real honor to be selected for this group and she is very excited to be involved. They had training all day yesterday for CHC to learn how to be a mediator, how to use open-ended questions to get kids to open up, recognize feeling statement, and many other skills--she is one busy 5th grader!

Nick and Matthew both are in Cub Scouts. They had their pack meeting last week--Matthew looked so cute in his new uniform:) They went to Fort Snelling for a scavengar hunt on Sunday and received a patch for completing the program. They had to interact with the Fort Snelling people who were all dressed up like people of that time--it was really interesting. The boys witnessed a canon being fired which was a big hit! Nick does not like loud noises so he and I stayed far away from the canon while Nick covered his ears tight--poor guy:(

Nick is taking a basketball clinic starting in Oct. and Matthew wants to take karate but I don't have him signed up for anything yet. Both boys (and me) are going to a Fall Festival Cub Scout day camp in Oct. where we get to play games, do crafts, shoot BB guns, archery and other fun things. Nick is also signed up for an Animal Book Club organized through the Humane Society and it meets at the library where they get to read to service dogs and discuss their book club books.

We have all this going on as well as Wed. night religion classes starting next week (I am teaching Matthew's class) AND my school starts on Tues. next week--what was I thinking? Hmmm...I guess I had better put my organizational skills to work or else I will go crazy!!:) Oh yeah, I am also going on two field trips next week (Wed. with Nick to a play and Fri. with Matthew to Gibbs Farm) as well as Emily's 11th birthday a week from today!!! Maybe I am already crazy:)

p.s. I wouldn't miss sharing all these activities with my kids for the world!!!:)

Monday, September 15, 2008

College Again?

Yes it's true. I am going back to school for yet another degree. I already have an Associate in Applied Science for Legal Secretary and my Bachelor of Science for Marketing with a minor in Psychology. But I have decided to completely change course and go back for an Associate in Applied Science for Medical Assistant degree.

Since I have my other two degrees, most (if not all) of the liberal arts credits transfer (the school hasn't received my transcripts yet) so I will basically have to take the core classes. I registered for fall quarter today (classes start on Sept. 29) and I am attending part-time (I don't want to get overwhelmed with school, home and kids). My two classes are Medical Terminology and Anatomy & Physiology (that is one class)--yikes!! I have both classes on the same days--Tues. and Thurs. while the kids are in school.

I am excited to learn a new profession. But I am also nervous because it's been so long (about 13 years!!) since I have been in school. The timing is good because the kids are getting older, they are in school all day and don't need looking after constantly--although I am still very involved in their lives (as I will always be) with volunteering at school, teaching at church, after-school activities, etc.

It will take me some time to finish school so I am still a stay-at-home mom and now a part-time student as well. I have been very blessed to be able to be a full time stay at home mom for 11 years and now go back to school and pursue a career that I have always wanted to do.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of School

The kids started school on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd. Emily is in 5th grade, Nick is in 3rd grade and Matthew is in 1st grade this year. They were all excited to go back to school--mostly Emily (she loves school!!) This is Matthew's first year of going to school all day (he was half day afternoon kindergarten last year) so this is a big change for him. So far he is has been doing okay--this morning he didn't want to go and said that he didn't like school. He kind of did the same thing last year, so I'm sure once things get going and he gets to know all the kids in his class that he will like it better.

Emily has signed up for dance again this year and is still in Girl Scouts. So far the boys are only in Cub Scouts but we will get them into something else too. They all have Wednesday night religion classes starting in a few weeks (I am one of the teachers for the 1st graders this year). The days get busy once school begins--we will have activities nearly every evening. Sometimes it seems hard to keep up but we also have lots of fun too.