Monday, July 28, 2008

Stomp Rockets

Sunday the boys had their July Pack meeting for Cub Scouts. Nick is a Bear Cub Scout and Matthew just joined this summer and he is a Tiger Cub Scout. They were excited to make a stomp rocket--what boy wouldn't be?

The kids played some games first then they set to work on making a launcher for their rockets. Next they made the rockets by putting fins on the bottom and a black tip on top and they drew designs on them too. Then it was time for the really fun part--they got to shoot them! And they sure did fly high!! All the kids had a great time shooting their rockets.

While the kids were playing the adults BBQed lunch. There was a big spread of fun and everyone was hungry after all the rocket fun. Also, Tim had to get Matthew's rocket down from the roof of the picnic shelter once--then he shot it up there again and that time we couldn't reach it. He had to make a new rocket:) Nick shot his rocket and it hit him in the shoulder--it hurt! They learned that they need to stay clear of the rocket when they stomp on the launcher.

We had a lot of fun and when we got home after the picnic, the boys stayed outside and played with their rockets some more. Then we had to get them out of the trees but that was easier than the roof. Another fun, busy day!!


On Saturday we went to a water park in Shakopee for an afternoon of swimming and slides. The day was beautiful--not too hot or humid. Nick was there with a friend's birthday party and the rest of us went to enjoy the day.
The kids had an absolute blast going down the various water slides and diving board. Even Tim and I joined in the fun of the slides, etc. But, with the weather being so nice, I got really sunburned on my shoulders, upper back and chest. The kids were fine-only a little pink on the cheeks and Tim got a little red on his arm. Emily scolded me for not using sunblock--she was definately right because I am suffering the consequences!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Star Wars

On Friday the 18th we went to the Science Museum to see the traveling Star Wars exhibit. We were pretty excited to see it--especially the boys! First we went to see the Omni-theater movie about special effects (Nick and I didn't go in because Nick doesn't like the huge, round screen and the steep slope of the seats--we looked at other stuff). I guess it was good but it had talked about many different movies--not just Star Wars.

Finally it was our time to go into the exhibit (they have designated entry times spaced 15 minutes apart). The kids really liked all the hands on activities that they could do. They made a hover car that really hovered (using the opposite polarities of magnets), driving a hover car, sustaining a computer city using tiles that the computer recognized--the boys liked doing that even though they didn't really know what they were supposed to do. There was programming a robots movements and of course the robots looked like R2-D2! And other stuff too.

There were tons of ship replicas and costumes from the movie--princess Leia, Chewbaca (it was really big!), Darth Vader, R2-D2, etc. They had ALOT of Star Wars stuff. It was cool to see it all up close. But by the end of the exhibit, I was very tired of looking at Star Wars!

We had a great time and we were all glad that we were able to see the exhibit before it leaves MN.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Summer of Sleepovers

This summer Matthew has gotten into the habit of wanting to do "sleepovers". Either me or Tim will sleep downstairs in our guest bedroom with Matt. We bring our pillows and a stuffed animal for each of us. When Tim is with Matthew, they like to play music from itunes--Matt has a certain album he listens to and they play with the stuffed animals! But if it's me who is having a sleepover with him, we talk about the day a little and then get to sleep (I'm guess I'm not very energetic at night).

I have taken some pictures of our sleepover night (need to document it in my scrapbook album!) It is a special time with Matthew. Both Tim and I enjoy being with him and getting into his 6 year old world. We will always remember the summer of sleepovers!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Where has to time gone?

I can't believe that July is nearly half done! It doesn't seem like we have been doing anything in particular but the days sure go fast. The kids haven't been very scheduled this summer (we still need to get swimming lessons done though) but we have kept pretty busy with a variety of different activites.

Emily made some bookmarks to sell at the craft fair at our library, the kids have had lots of play dates and sleepovers, we have gone to the zoo a few times among a bunch of other fun day activities. Then the next thing I know, the newspaper ads have "back to school" stuff in them!! Wait--we still have lots of things we want to do before school. I need to find Father Time and slow him down a bit:)

I hope everyone is having a fun summer--even though it is flying by. I definately enjoy and try to capture all of our summer fun memories (my camera is in the kids faces ALL THE TIME) and to keep them close to my heart. I'm sure I will write about our next fun adventure soon.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July at the Lake

We spent the holiday up in Alexandria, Mn at the lake. Tim's parents live there in the summer and we enjoy visiting them. The kids swam in the lake until we discovered that they aquired swimmer's itch from the water!!

Emily got it the worst--she is covered in red, itchy spots from her neck on down. She has been very brave through this ordeal. We took her to the doctor and they gave her some allergy medicine and said that it will have to run its course. She tries not to scratch but it's hard to resist--she has been covered in anit-itch lotion! The boys got it too but not as bad--they have taken some Benedryl and that seems to take care of it.

We had a nice time visiting family but Emily isn't ready to go back in the water any time soon:) We went to the movies, shopping, playing on the beach and just relaxing. Hopefully next time we go to the lake the kids will venture into the water again.