Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Summer of Sleepovers

This summer Matthew has gotten into the habit of wanting to do "sleepovers". Either me or Tim will sleep downstairs in our guest bedroom with Matt. We bring our pillows and a stuffed animal for each of us. When Tim is with Matthew, they like to play music from itunes--Matt has a certain album he listens to and they play with the stuffed animals! But if it's me who is having a sleepover with him, we talk about the day a little and then get to sleep (I'm guess I'm not very energetic at night).

I have taken some pictures of our sleepover night (need to document it in my scrapbook album!) It is a special time with Matthew. Both Tim and I enjoy being with him and getting into his 6 year old world. We will always remember the summer of sleepovers!

1 comment:

Marv said...

You used to always sleep with a mulitude of stuffed animals.Glad to see that tradidtion continuing on.

What a nice time to spend with Matty.
