Monday, July 28, 2008

Stomp Rockets

Sunday the boys had their July Pack meeting for Cub Scouts. Nick is a Bear Cub Scout and Matthew just joined this summer and he is a Tiger Cub Scout. They were excited to make a stomp rocket--what boy wouldn't be?

The kids played some games first then they set to work on making a launcher for their rockets. Next they made the rockets by putting fins on the bottom and a black tip on top and they drew designs on them too. Then it was time for the really fun part--they got to shoot them! And they sure did fly high!! All the kids had a great time shooting their rockets.

While the kids were playing the adults BBQed lunch. There was a big spread of fun and everyone was hungry after all the rocket fun. Also, Tim had to get Matthew's rocket down from the roof of the picnic shelter once--then he shot it up there again and that time we couldn't reach it. He had to make a new rocket:) Nick shot his rocket and it hit him in the shoulder--it hurt! They learned that they need to stay clear of the rocket when they stomp on the launcher.

We had a lot of fun and when we got home after the picnic, the boys stayed outside and played with their rockets some more. Then we had to get them out of the trees but that was easier than the roof. Another fun, busy day!!

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