Monday, August 4, 2008

Star Wars Legos

Nick was finished with summer school last week on Wednesday. He worked hard in class and his teacher repeatedly praised him--she even let him teach math one day! He got up every morning without complaining, ate his breakfast, got dressed and went outside to wait for the bus--all while his brother and sister were sleeping in!

He was such a good boy though his summer school that Gramma T. got him a special gift. He got to pick out something that he wanted and (of course) he picked Legos--his favorite thing! He really wanted the Star Wars Trade Federation ship set--it was a little more money than Gramma planned on but he had such a great attitude (not one grump or anything) during summer school that she got it for him.

Nick was extremely excited and happy. He put the whole thing together--Tim & I just sat with him to make sure that he didn't skip anything by accident. That evening after he finished the ship, we watched the Star Wars movie that had his new ship in it--he was overjoyed seeing it in the movie.

He was very happy to be rewarded for a job well done. Nick has such a tender heart that we know his special Lego set means a lot to him. He is an exceptional boy!


Marv said...

I LOVE to see Nicky soooo have with his purchase. He certainly deserved it and I was happy to get the star war thing he wanted. It took some determination and talent to put that together.

Good JoB Nick!!!

Grancma T.

TeTop said...

Nick is super talented at putting things together...just ask his Uncle Dave! Love, Terri