Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Emily is 11!

Well, Emily is officially 11 years old. Her birthday was last friday and what a busy day it was! She opened her family presents that morning before school. Then Emily had a birthday party sleepover starting Friday evening and ending on Saturday morning--it was a long night:)

The girls got to our house by 6 p.m. and we had pizza and Emily opened her presents. Then we had a volunteer time of 8 p.m. at Feed My Starving Children in Eagan. We had tons of fun helping other kids--we fed 6 children for one year with the amount of food we packaged and boxed!! It felt really good to help others.

When we got back home after FMSC, the girls were excited and full of energy! Needless to say that they didn't get much sleep that night. I went to bed around 1:30 a.m. and they were still playing, watching a movie and talking. The next morning all the girls said that they had a great time and wished that they could stay longer. But I was ready to relax and take a nap!! Emily had a super fun 11th birthday--another cherished memory!


Marv said...

I got tired just reading all of this. You are busy. The kids are just as they should be, full of activity.

Oh no, not another pet. Soon you will have to add an extention onto the house for all the animals.


Jules said...

Wow, what a day!!! Emily, I am so proud of you! You are growing up to be such a fine young lady. I think volunteering and helping other children, on your birthday none the less, is a selfless and charitable thing to do.

Love, Aunt Julie