Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Matthew is 7!!

Matthew turned 7 years old on Sunday, October 12th. He had a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese on Friday. He picked CEC because, of course, GAMES!!! He had a few friends from school at the party and we had pizza, cake and played games. The kids really liked playing in the small play system of tubes and slides too. We had a nice group of kids and they all had a great time.

Matthew met a new boy in first grade this year named Joey and they became fast friends. I think they are clones of each other!! They both like all the same things including video games, they look relatively similar and even have some of the same mannerisms:) Their teacher thought they had known each other and been friends for years--even though they just met a little over a month ago!

I can't believe how old the kids are getting! It seems like only yesterday when Emily was 4 years old, Nick was 18 months old and Matthew was just born. You blink and the next thing you know is that 7 years have passed by. And I cherish every moment of it all!!!

1 comment:

Marv said...

Reading your blog the first thing that came to my mind was that song in the movie Ma Ma Mia...."Slipping through my fingers"

They grow up fast. Sometimes it doesn't seem that way. But when you look back you'll be so happy you spent all this time with them.