Monday, November 17, 2008


On Saturday, Nov. 15th Emily, my mom and I went to see the Broadway musical "Wicked" at the Orpheum in downtown Minneapolis. We had purchased tickets a long time ago and can't believe that it has come and gone already. We were soooo excited to see it! Emily really loves stage musicals--we go to see the musicals and plays at Burnsville High School every time they have one showing (they have wonderful performances!!)

I had read the book (twice) but the stage production is very different from the book. But I still loved it immensely!! The music was mind-blowing (I have the CD also) and the songs are very catchy--we find ourselves humming them all day long:) All in all the whole musical was great--poor Elphaba is so misunderstood, she just wanted to make good!

I am glad that Emily has a passion for the performing arts. I cherish the times that we go to see the musicals and plays together--it's time spent together sharing something that we both enjoy. Maybe some day I will be watching her up there on the stage singing her heart out:)


Marv said...

I LOVE to go to these things with you and Emily. It's money well spent. I love watchig Emily's face during the play. I think I'll read the book again. It has the same premise as the play but as you said the bookis different and there's a lot more in . I suppose, how could they get the whole book into the play.

Loved spending time with you. Mom

Jules said...

I have been hearing so much about the book recently. I think I am going to have to read it!!

Tracie said...

Julie-I have the book if you want to borrow it. I also have the one that comes after Wicked called Son of a Witch if you want to read that after you finish the first one--it's pretty good too. I know (first hand experience) that it is sometimes had to find the time to read with little ones around but it is definately a welcome relief--to get away to another world for awhile:)

Jules said...

Tracie - I would love to borrow both! I unwind at night by reading before I go to bed. Sometimes, it is hours later and I haven't put the book down, but it is a great escape (even though I pay for it the next day!!). If you want to bring them up at Christmas, that would be great! Hope classes are going well!