Friday, December 19, 2008

Crazy Busy!!

Sorry I haven't blogged for awhile...things have been crazy busy around here. I have been shopping for Christmas here and there this past month...when time would allow along with keeping things hidden from the kids. We decorated the house a little...I didn't get everything out this year as I planned to because things got way too busy. I am still going to put some more stuff out though at this late date. The kids and I are going to make our annual cookies...peanut butter kiss, family recipe sugar cookies and butterscotch haystacks!

A couple of weeks ago Nick and Matthew started taking karate lessons...they love it! We attend class about 2-3 times a week and they can't wait to go (they would like to go to class every night but that's a little too much for our normally busy schedule). They are still white belts and they are working hard to get to the next belt...Gold Belt:)

I finished my school yesterday...I had two finals which went well. I got A's in both of my classes and am happy to be on break until January 5th. Next quarter I have Intro to Patient Care and Clinical Specialties. I have to wear scrubs for these lab classes...I purchased white work crocs to wear--they rock!!

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

TeTop said...

Congrats on aceing your classes...I can't believe you just finished class and already have your final grades! I just posted final grades for my class today.

Save some peanut butter cookies for Dave...he was just the other day saying how those are his favorites. And save some butterscotch haystacks for me. I don't make those myself because I'd simply eat the entire batch. I'm not even kidding about that. I made Russian tea cakes, chocolate/hazelnut shortbread, and cornflake wreaths this year. Most have been/will be given away as work gifts, but hopefully I'll have some left-overs to bring to grandma's on Wednesday.