Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July at the Lake

We spent the holiday up in Alexandria, Mn at the lake. Tim's parents live there in the summer and we enjoy visiting them. The kids swam in the lake until we discovered that they aquired swimmer's itch from the water!!

Emily got it the worst--she is covered in red, itchy spots from her neck on down. She has been very brave through this ordeal. We took her to the doctor and they gave her some allergy medicine and said that it will have to run its course. She tries not to scratch but it's hard to resist--she has been covered in anit-itch lotion! The boys got it too but not as bad--they have taken some Benedryl and that seems to take care of it.

We had a nice time visiting family but Emily isn't ready to go back in the water any time soon:) We went to the movies, shopping, playing on the beach and just relaxing. Hopefully next time we go to the lake the kids will venture into the water again.


TeTop said...

Poor Em. That's kind of a bummer for the fun 4th weekend. Dave and I had a fun 4th in Duluth! We go camping next week.

I was planning to launch my blog tomorrow (I finally finished it). I just realized it has the same background as yours! It's out there now if you want to look (I just haven't emailed people about it yet):

Tracie said...

It is more painful and itchy then it sounds! But it's gone now!